
Public DMPs

Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.

Project title  Template  Organisation Owner Download
GraphAnto Flemish Minimal DMP standard Other Sergio Basso (new window) Opens in new window
SHARENEWS: Predicting the shareworthiness of 'real' and 'fake' news in Europe Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (University of Amsterdam) template University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam) Jasper van de Pol (new window) Opens in new window
De positie van kinderen van EU-arbeidsmigranten in Nederland EUR Data Management Plan v4.4 Erasmus University Rotterdam Youri Seidler (new window) Opens in new window
Wellbeing Project During COVID-19 EUR Data Management Plan Erasmus University Rotterdam Sophie Sweijen (new window) Opens in new window
The Subjective Perception of Sensory Information: Investigating Formats of Mental Representations ESRC Template University of Liverpool Reshanne Ruhnau (new window) Opens in new window
Leveraging Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies for a Sustainable Economy and Society ESRC Template University of Manchester Ser-Huang Poon (new window) Opens in new window
thRIve: The UK's EDI Caucus ESRC Template University of Southampton Nicholas Fair (new window) Opens in new window
BREXFISH ESRC Template Aberystwyth University Michael Woods (new window) Opens in new window
Governance And Trust in Emerging Systems (GATES) An in-depth analysis of current challenges and future prospects for UK drone delivery ESRC Template University of Bath Michael Lewis (new window) Opens in new window
LOOPER: Learning Loops in the Public Realm ESRC Template University of Manchester James Evans (new window) Opens in new window