Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Project title Sort by plans | Template Sort by templates | Organisation | Owner | Download |
Efeito do consumo crônico de etanol sobre a ação modulatória do tecido adiposo perivascular: Papel da angiotensina II | DCC Template | Universidade de São Paulo | Carlos Tirapelli | (new window) Opens in new window |
El movimiento de Hardware Científico de Código Abierto (GOSH) en América Latina: ¿Una alternativa democratizante de producción tecnológica? | DCC Template | Other | Julieta Arancio | (new window) Opens in new window |
Effects of Flexible Working on Employee Performance among Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff in the UK Healthcare Sector | DCC Template | University of Plymouth | Susan Tari Egbe | (new window) Opens in new window |
TR Corales Cuba | DCC Template | Other | Adrian Quintana Hernandez | (new window) Opens in new window |
Gamma radiation monitoring campaign at the Azores ENA-ARM station (Graciosa Island) | DCC Template | University of Porto (Universidade do Porto) | Yulia Karimova | (new window) Opens in new window |
Mesophilic and thermophilic microbial fuel cells: removal of organic matter and generation of electrical energy with optimization of external resistance | DCC Template | Universidade de São Paulo | Julio Cano | (new window) Opens in new window |
UD Frisian | DCC Template | Other | Wilbert Heeringa | (new window) Opens in new window |
Novel materials and structural optimization for high temperature CO2 utilization | DCC Template | University of St Andrews | HAODONG WU | (new window) Opens in new window |
Crisis, dinámicas migratorias y condiciones de vida de la población migrante en España. Análisis comparado de los efectos de la Gran Recesión y la Gran Pandemia | DCC Template | Other | Antía Pérez-Caramés | (new window) Opens in new window |
Inert Simulants for Use in the Characterisation of Electro Explosive Devices | DCC Template | Cranfield University | Vincent Coombs | (new window) Opens in new window |