Public DMPs are plans created using the DMPonline service and shared publicly by their owners. They are not vetted for quality, completeness, or adherence to funder guidelines.
Project title Sort by plans | Template Sort by templates | Organisation | Owner | Download |
Development of heterostructured semiconducting nanoparticles for methane conversion by photoelectrocatalytic process | DCC Template | Other | Ricardo Marques e Silva | (new window) Opens in new window |
The impact of ball pressure on cognition within current IFAB guidelines | DCC Template | University of Bradford | Daniel Walker | (new window) Opens in new window |
Pottery Production at Roman Corbridge: its character, scale and significance | DCC Template | Newcastle University | Ludovica Galli | (new window) Opens in new window |
Guidance for taking Automated Electronic Defibrillators (AEDs) into remote locations – a Delphi Study | DCC Template | University of Plymouth | First Namematt griggs | (new window) Opens in new window |
Crisis, dinámicas migratorias y condiciones de vida de la población migrante en España. Análisis comparado de los efectos de la Gran Recesión y la Gran Pandemia | DCC Template | Other | Antía Pérez-Caramés | (new window) Opens in new window |
Using High Throughput Sequencing to Detect Plant Nursery Pathogens | DCC Template | Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin | Kes Daly | (new window) Opens in new window |
Assessing quality of care in retrospective review of maternity care | DCC Template | Other | Glyn Teale | (new window) Opens in new window |
An international comparison study on the vulnerabilities of individuals with FASD to, and within criminal justice system encounters | DCC Template | University of Salford | David Junior Gilbert | (new window) Opens in new window |
AmiCI: Adaptive Microservice Configuration and Inference Using Neurosymbolic AI | DCC Template | Other | Ruben Ruiz Torrubiano | (new window) Opens in new window |
CHANGE LAB An application and evaluation of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for improving research work outcomes | DCC Template | Other | Ryan Armstrong | (new window) Opens in new window |